Monday, September 3, 2018

Ariz. Hopeful Martha McSally Puts It Bluntly: ‘Do You Want A Protester In A Tutu, Or A Patriot In A Flight Suit?’

Weasel Zippers “ 'The contrast is very clear,” McSally said. “Do you want a protester in a tutu or a patriot in a flight suit?”
"McSally, who won Arizona’s Republican primary for Senate on Tuesday over challengers Dr. Kelli Ward and Joe Arpaio in the race to fill retiring Senator Jeff Flake’s seat, continued to point out the differences between herself and Sinema. She had hammered the Democrat in a campaign ad leading up to the primary.
“ 'While we were in harm’s way in uniform, Kyrsten Sinema was protesting us in a pink tutu and denigrating our service,” McSally, the first female combat pilot in American history, said in the video ad, highlighting Sinema’s anti-war past." . . .

BPR video:

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