Friday, September 28, 2018

How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America: "The hard left is nothing but a lynch mob with alternative tools."

Photosnark by Rich Terrell
Notice any familiar Democrat faces in the crowd behind them?*

American Thinker; 2011  
. . . "Justice Thomas paid the media mob the compliment of calling them a "high-tech lynch mob."  Clarence Thomas was born in the South at a time when lynch mobs were very real.  But technology just amplifies what they already are, as moral low-lives.  Bull Connor passed out ax handles to the mob in the sixties, but today's high-tech lynch mobsters are no different when they try to destroy the careers, jobs, and reputations of good and decent people -- and even their children, like one-year-old baby Trig Palin.  Michele Bachmann was just threatened by one of the media mobsters, because now her 23 foster children are free bait for the media lynchers.  This is like mafia thugs walking through your nice family home and telling you what a fire hazard it is, and are you sure you don't want to sell out?
"They have no decency.  None at all." . . .

* Cory "Spartacus" Booker, Mazie "Shut up men!" Hirono, and Dianne "The world is heating up!" Feinstein.

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