Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Voter Guide from a Red Lady in a Blue State

Victory Girls Blog

"A conservative living in deep-blue California isn’t given a lot of options when it comes to voting. It doesn’t help that our state Republican Party has wandered in the wilderness, sometimes in self-exile, for years. However, we muddle along, tilting at windmills and occasionally slaying a giant. So, dear voter, I’m here to give my recommendations, such as they are.


"I don’t know one Californian who isn’t aware of the open cesspit that used to be San Francisco. The third-world slum conditions are so bad that there’s even an app to track feces on the street. So to vote for former SF mayor Gavin Newsom is to approve of shoving the rest of California to Frisco’s level. Newson is so sure of his coronation, he didn’t even submit a candidate statement for the official voter guide. What a guy!
"Republican John Cox doesn’t exactly light up any stage when he appears, but he’s a successful businessman who was able to garner the 2nd spot in the jungle primary. He has an excellent grasp of California issues and represents a small roadblock to an out-of-control socialist legislature. Voting for Cox is the only intelligent choice.


"For any sane California voter, this race is like being asked “Do you want to die by fire or drowning”? On one hand you have Dianne Feinstein, old, corrupt & up to her jowls in the dirtiest attempt at character assassination lobbed at a Supreme Court nominee. On the other hand, there’s Kevin [de] Leon, a snot-nosed, puerile con-artist. A man who bragged that half his family was illegal and had used faked or stolen ID – and that was just a-ok. Even his name is fake. I cannot recommend voting for either piece of canine excrement. The only advantage of having Leon win is that as a Senate newbie, he won’t have any power as opposed to the old crone’s positions on several key committees.

Other Offices

"From Lt Governor to Congressional member down to your local Assembly member, Friends Don’t Let Friends Vote Democrat. You witnessed the Democrats’ unforgivable behavior during the Kavanaugh hearings. From Mad Maxine Waters to I-am-Spartacus Booker to Hillary Clinton herself, Democrats publically call for harassment, intimidation and physical violence against Republicans. My dear voter, is that the party you want to run the government?" . . .
"No honest American can cast a vote for any Democrat this cycle and not be at least partially responsible for any violence that follows." .  . .

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