Thursday, November 1, 2018

With such a left-leaning, academia promoted atmosphere, how could non-leftists ever hope to win?

Trump Beats Media By Using Their Own ‘Narcissism’ Against Them, Ex-‘Daily Show’ Host Jon Stewart Says
. . .  “I think that journalists have taken it personally. They are personally wounded and offended by this man. He baits them, and they dive in,” Stewart told CNN’s Christiane Amanpour. “What he’s done well, I thought, is appeal to their own narcissism, to their own ego. … They say, ‘We are noble, we are honorable, how dare you, sir!' And they take it personally.” . . .

A 3-minute dose of schadenfreude: hilarious compilation of media announcing Trump’s imminent political demise . . . "Obama’s media support was as pervasive as the media’s hatred of Trump, and yet both men show nearly identical patterns of approval, with the slight advantage to Trump. But most importantly, Trump’s early deficit compared to Obama has now turned to an advantage in levels of approval. I think that the video embedded below (hat tip: Steven Hayward of Powerline) explains a lot about this growing advantage. The media’s hysteria has firmly established them as unfair bullies in the minds of a plurality, if not outright majority of Americans. Like Godzilla drawing power from the hi tension electric lines he crossed, the mainstream media is energizing Trump’s support." . . .

If the media says Trump is a goner it must be true!  "My impression is that Trump has been steadily growing stronger and more confident as president since his inauguration. He still has some very bad moments and ill-advised tweets, but it is a fantasy that he will be driven from office barring anything truly scandalous from the Mueller investigation, and I’m pretty sure we’d have had it by now if there was anything to the Russia collusion story.
"I’m thinking there’s an inverse relationship between Trump’s strength and media hysteria. Some clever person put together this montage of the media claiming routinely since January 20, 2017 that a “tipping point” had been reached, that the newest “bombshell” was curtains for Trump, that “the walls are closing in.” Talk about fake news. Heh. Enjoy this—we’ve got a long way to go yet." . . .

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