Saturday, December 1, 2018

What Hillary Could Learn From Barbara Bush (A dead Republican, like George)

. . . Hillary Clinton could learn a lot from her fellow former First Lady. Chances are, she won’t. Either way, America was blessed by such a genial and gracious lady.
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RedStateApril 18, 2018;  . . .  "Certainly, the philanthropist will be exhaustively eulogized over the next few days. Much will be spoken of her time in recent years as well as her tenure as First Lady. What I find especially profound, however, is her poise and elegance in the in-between — specifically, in the aftermath of her husband’s crushing 1992 loss to Democratic challenger Bill Clinton. Her refinement and composure in the wake of that shortfall stand as a stark contrast to the acidic, belligerent nature of the First Lady who replaced her, Hillary Rodham Clinton. Mrs. Bush imagined a day when a woman would indeed become President; but her vision was one of hope, not power-lust or egocentrism. The same cannot be said of the former senator from New York.
Less than two years after H.W.’s expulsion from the Oval Office, in support of her newly released, self-titled memoir, the Bush matriarch appeared on CNN’s Larry King Live to discuss family and friends, her 4-year White House residency, and life onward. Given her husband’s defeat, she might have conveyed bitter feelings about the election or his opposition. Rather, she was a picture of class, voicing gratitude for her treasured time as First Lady:
“I told George this on the phone…Last night before I went to bed, he called. I awakened Monday morning in New York City…and I looked…and a lot of things happened… the Pope…Arafat met with (Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak) Rabin…a lot of things happened. And I sat and watched the news. Darling Jessica Tandy died, and Hume [Cronyn], I thought about…I knew every single person and place that was on that television set, thanks to George Bush…Every single person knew me and I knew [them]. I told George, I said, ‘It really struck me how really great a life you’ve given me.'”
"One can hardly imagine Hillary Clinton having anything nice to say, had her husband fallen by the political wayside after his first presidential term. At present time — a year and a half after her failure in the 2016 election — she has made a veritable career of tastelessly spouting rancor, continuing to heave incendiary insults not only at the foe who bested her, but his supporters as well. Speaking at an Indian conference in March, Clinton said of Trump and the voters who elected him, “His whole campaign…was looking backward. You know, you didn’t like black people getting rights, you don’t like women getting jobs.” . . .

Bush 41’s death reveals the truth of the cliché: the only kind of Republicans the media like is dead ones . . . "The playbook is always the same.  Democrats, including most of the media, pretend they love Republicans when they die after they trashed them when they ran and lived." . . .

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