Friday, January 25, 2019

Students blame Trump for shutdown...until hearing offer he made Dems

Campus Reform
Campus Reform's Cabot Phillips asked students who is to blame for the shutdown.
Students tell Pelosi to "compromise, compromise, compromise."
Students were unaware of compromises Trump has already offered Pelosi.
. . . "Wanting to know if college students would agree with Speaker Pelosi, Campus Reform's Cabot Phillips headed to George Mason University.
"I soon discovered that students nearly unanimously agreed that Trump was to blame for the shutdown, however, many of them were completely unaware of the compromise offer Trump had made earlier in the week. 
"With that in mind, I then asked them if they’d change their mind on Trump being to blame if he were to offer a compromise deal with things the Democrats have been calling for, like DACA protections and humanitarian funding. 
"Students quickly agreed that if Trump were to make such an offer, the Democrats should surely take him up on it… what they didn’t realize is that President Trump had already made such an offer. 
"Would that change their minds on who is to blame? 
"Watch the full video to find out: "

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