Saturday, February 9, 2019

Twitter Turns on Ocasio-Cortez After SOTU Behavior

Western Journal  "Twitter Turns on Ocasio-Cortez After SOTU Behavior Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York is known for having a popular presence on Twitter among her nearly 3 million followers, But the freshman congresswoman is taking some heat for her behavior at Tuesday’s State of the Union address. Ocasio-Cortez, like many of her female colleagues, wore all white to the yearly address, in solidarity with her fellow feminists. However, it was her refusal to show appreciation for some of the more basic human interest issues addressed by President Donald Trump that caught the attention of many people on Twitter. Fox National security strategist and radio host Sebastian Gorka noted Ocasio-Cortez’s refusal to applaud even for the most humanitarian of issues. Political commentator Ryan Fournier tweeted While Trump’s address might not have been appreciated by the youngest congresswoman in history, it was well received by the American people. A CBS poll showed that 76 percent of those who listened to the address approved of the president’s speech, only 43 percent of which were Republicans."

Rick Moran: The wild and wacky mind of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez  . . . "It is telling that she hasn't a clue what she herself believes.  In order to have a personal philosophy — conservative, liberal, socialist — you must have the knack for introspection, the ability to step outside yourself and examine what you really believe.

"But introspection is an intellectual exercise, and, lacking evidence to the contrary, Ocasio-Cortez has no intellect to exercise.

"She doesn't know what she believes.  Does she even know who she is?
. . . 

OCASIO-CORTEZ: "Because we are standing on native land. And Latino people are descendants of native people, and we cannot be told and criminalized simply for our identity or our status."

"Standing on native land"?  Well, at least she's not advocating a return of California to Mexico. "   . . .

Wait! Not so fast there! AOC gets here ideas from many who advocate exactly that. Voters have put into power a woman who does not like her own country as founded and learns at the feet of many others of the same mind. TD

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