Monday, March 4, 2019

9/11 Poster Featuring ISIS Rep. Ilhan Omar At State West Virginia Capitol Is Accurate - Democrats “Outraged”

Pamela Geller

"The Democrats and their running dogs in the enemedia are having hissie fits over a poster in the West Virginia statehouse that suggests Americans have forgotten the horrors of 9/11 and the promise to “Never Forget” because Americans are electing pro-jihad, pro-Islamic State Jew-haters such as Ilhan Omar. Indeed, the poster is accurate. Ilhan Omar pushed a judge for lenient sentences for Muslims who joined the Islamic State group. The Islamic State shared the same religious ideology and goals as Al-Qaeda and Osama bin Laden. In many cases, the Islamic State was more brutal, more savage than al Qaeda. The poster is correct.
. . . 
"Once again the left equates opposition to jihad terror with islamophobia." . . .

Muslim Kafir-phobia often leads to bloodshed. TD

When is Nancy Pelosi going to rid the House Foreign Relations Committee of Ilhan Omar?  . . . "But in Omar's case, there's a real problem for Pelosi, because Omar's singularly unfit to be in it, given that her repeated expressions of anti-Semitism are indistinguishable from those of a streetcorner 'Jews rule the world' conspiracy theorist, or for that matter, Farrakhan himself.

"Pelosi's response That of a wimp. One can only hope this baggage travels with her as she seeks to win another stretch as Speaker of the House in 2020."

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