Monday, March 11, 2019

Racism? Corey Booker’s First Lesson About Marijuana

Rich Terrell
Colin Flaherty . . . So it is not about pot after all: pot is just one example, picked seemingly at random, that Booker et al would have us believe shows how black people and white people do the same crime, but only black people do the time.

"And what about assault or burglary or rape or murder or home invasions? The black crime rate for those felonies is way higher as well. Which of course is further proof that cops are picking on black people while letting white people get away with murder.
"Wouldn’t it be pretty if that were true?
"But it’s not. Not even close. And if you do not know that by now, it is only because you are wrapped up in denial, deceit, and delusion and refuse to know it.
"Yet for all the times that Booker and other national politicians repeat that pot canard, not one reporter ever stepped up to ask: "How do you know that?" 

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