Wednesday, May 8, 2019

The Lies, Clichés, and Hypocrisy of Bernie Sanders

The old "kill the Americans, Comrade Ho " raised fist.
Conrad Black  "There is something seriously disconcerting about the sight of the leading declared Democratic presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders, embracing the most imperishable charlatan in American political history, the supposedly reverend Al Sharpton. This most improbable clergyman, although he is only 64, is so worn down by what Dr. Johnson called the “disingenuousness of years,” he now looks like an ambulatory waxwork dummy. He has been exposed countless times for scams, falsehoods, and incitements to violence. Of all prominent African-Americans, only Louis Farrakhan is more odious.*

"Now that Sanders is the front-runner, with the possible exception of Joe (Hamlet) Biden, it is time to start taking a closer look at him. I’ve always been curious why he would have worked for a time on a Stalinist Kibbutz after the 20th Communist Party Congress where Stalin’s infamies and atrocities were publicly denounced by Nikita Khrushchev. Sanders apparently was a renegade Communist as a youth, regarding Khrushchev as a mealy-mouthed compromiser. It was eccentric that he spent his honeymoon in Moscow, but that, I suppose, is the business of no one but the then-newlyweds.
"Our country has seemed benignly incurious about a man running officially as a socialist . . . To see Bernie Sanders and listen to him for a few minutes, it is clear that there is a story to his career that is likely to be unusual and interesting. For young people, he seems to hold that odd attraction of elderly Marxists that Herbert Marcuse had for glamorous youthful acolytes in the 1960s such as Joan Baez and Angela Davis." . . .
*Highlights mine, TD

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