. . . All their tilting at windmills and solar panels are just silly pipe dreams. America is never again going to be pre-industrial. And CO2 is a life force, not a pollutant. That is Science 101."

"The hoax of man-caused climate change is one of their principal schemes to frighten the youngest among us into abject servants of the state. So what if it destroys their hopes of a future, family or any comforts of home and freedom! Those of us of a certain age have vague memories of air raid drills and duck and cover exercises in the fifties. Most of our parents, however, did not use these events to instill fear in our hearts and minds. Some did of course; they built bomb shelters and prepared for the worst, but in those days, the generation that had survived the Depression and WWII strived to protect the innocence of childhood for their progeny." . . .
Severe language warning in this video, regrettably:
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