Thursday, June 13, 2019

Max "Boot compares Trump to Josef Stalin, to Benito Mussolini, and. . . to the Roman emperors Caligula and Nero." Oh, and Hitler.

Don Surber  "What about the Holodomor, Mister Boot?"

 . . . "Calling Trump Hitler is a disservice to the victims of Nazism, but victims of communism can pound salt, eh? The 6 million Ukranians starved to death died for the greater good, right comrade?

"Ceaser also wrote, "Boot’s story is as surprising as it is disheartening. Since Trump’s advent, he became and has steadfastly remained a convinced Never Trumper. Among the right-of-center intellectuals who have gone this way, no one has been so unsparing in opposition to the President unless it be his fellow Post columnist, the Bush II speechwriter Michael Gerson. As for Boot, he devotes column after column and tweet after tweet to warning of Trump’s failures and the dangers he poses to American democracy. He has exhausted the English language in condemning his adversary for demagoguery, narcissism, bigotry, xenophobia, racism, sexism, and authoritarianism. The President is a charlatan, an ignoramus, and a fascist.' " . . .

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