Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Updated already: Thomas Lifson hits Biden with a one-two punch

Joe Biden is too stupid to win the nomination (#1)  "The purported frontrunner of the Democrats' presidential field is certain to self-destruct before the Democratic National Convention votes on a nominee more than a year from now, because he loves to talk and is too stupid to avoid making fatal mistakes.  Exactly a month ago, I predicted he would not get the party's nod, and I stand by that.  But secretly, I hope I am wrong, because he would fall apart when faced with Donald Trump.
"The latest example of Biden's stupidity: downplaying China's threat to us on the 30th anniversary of the Tiananmen massacre.  No, I am not kidding!  Only 30 seconds of your life are required to savor the stupidity.  Biden ends with "What are we worried about?"  That's uncomfortably close to "What, me worry?"
"This statement is all the worse, given his son Hunter's financial involvement with China, a can of worms Biden would be well advised to leave unopened.  But the problem is that he has a microphone in his hand and an inability to filter what comes out of his mouth with anything approaching good judgment." . . .Video

Imagine Biden giving Mr. Trump the same treatment he gave Paul Ryan in their VP debate.  (Chris Wallace expressed his contempt for Biden's actions in the debate)
. . . "Biden is an incorrigible ham. On the split-screen, while Ryan spoke, he could be seen grinning, chuckling, shaking his head, throwing his hands to the skies or hanging his head in exaggerated disbelief, a widely varying sequence of gestures that all amounted to "can you believe this guy?' " . . .
Next: What does it say about a "world leader" that he would use the adolescent words of AO-C?

Joe Biden is too stupid to win the nomination (#2)  "Since plagiarism killed an earlier Biden run at the presidency and dogged him in law school, the first rule of a rational Biden campaign this time would be: nothing that even vaguely looks like plagiarism.  But evidently, the subject never came up when Joe Biden assembled his presidential campaign staff.  But it looks as though the Biden campaign panicked when Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted that his lack of a radical plan to restructure our thriving economy so as to emit less CO2 was a "dealbreaker."
. . . 
"What kind of presidency would Biden conduct?  One with key staff too stupid to avoid obvious issues — the kind that have come up again and again.  The criticism of President Trump as impulsive and undisciplined pale in comparison to Biden's recklessness and lack of prudence.  Ultimately, Biden's pander failed to persuade Ocasio-Cortez:
Ocasio-Cortez told The Hill that she prefers Inslee's plan our of all this that have been introduced thus far: "I do think that Jay Inslee's plan is a phenomenal blueprint and example of where we need to go. It's got the scale, the jobs and justice," she said.
"An utter and complete failure.  Imagine this clown as president."

Johnny Carson had Biden nailed back in 1987:

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