Saturday, July 20, 2019

Are Democrats Sure Biden Is Different Enough from Hillary Clinton?

National Review
"How confident should the Joe Biden team be right now?"

"Think about all of the factors that contributed to Hillary Clinton’s defeat in 2016. She was a figure who had been around a long time, among the best-known names in the party establishment. As a senator, she worked closely with her home state’s financial industry, leaving some liberal grassroots concluding she was a corporatist who was far too comfortable with big business. Critics asked how someone who had spent the past few decades in the public sector could so quickly become a multimillionaire, and contended that her family foundation had engaged in shady deals with foreign governments and foreign businesses. Some people couldn’t believe she wanted to charge University of Missouri at Kansas City a whopping $275,000 to give a speech at a luncheon.

"More progressive figures challenged her in the primary, and activists on the Left hit her hard for her punitive stances on crime in the 1990s, including describing young gang members as “super-predators.” She attempted to shore up her support among African Americans by emphasizing her close work with Barack Obama.

"During the tough primary fight and into the general election fight, there were intermittent signs that Hillary Clinton was not at the top of her game – from claiming to being “dead broke” upon leaving the White House, to ham-handed comparisons to “your abuela*,” to the “basket of deplorables” statement. After her loss, Hillary Clinton admitted, “I really wasn’t ready or equipped to run for president against a reality TV candidate.' ” . . .

*Her "Abuela" ad

. . . Quoting below:
The “seven more ways” include:
  • “She cares about children everywhere…”
  • “She knows what’s best…”
  • “She reacts this way when people le faltan el respeto…”
  • “She reads to you before bedtime…”
  • “She isn’t afraid to talk about the importance of el respeto (especially when it comes to women)…
  • “She likes to highlight accomplishments…”
  • “and she has one word for Donald Trump…”

"Many of the reasons are typical from Hillary, with her claim as a champion for women and children and her swipe at Donald Trump, to whom she says “Basta! Enough!' ” . . .

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