Monday, July 22, 2019

How much sillier can western culture get? Updated.

UPDATED* Woman Forced To Close Business After Refusing To Wax Male Genitals Of Transgender Person  "A Brazilian immigrant living in Canada was forced to close up her small business after refusing to wax the male genitals of transgender LGBT activist Jessica Yaniv, formerly known as Jonathan Yaniv."

Yaniv: One proud lesbian. I'll never give
up fighting for human rights equality.
"Citing discrimination based on gender identity, Yaniv filed a complaint with the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal seeking financial restitution. The activist has filed complaints against 15 other estheticians with the tribunal, claiming “gender identity” discrimination, as well, The Daily Wire reported last year. It was not until Wednesday, however, that Yaniv’s identity was allowed to be disclosed.

"According to The Post Millennial, Marcia Da Silva claims that she refused to service the complainant “due to safety concerns raised by her husband and alleged harassment on Yaniv’s part and not because of the claimant’s identity.”

"During tribunal proceedings on Wednesday, Da Silva said the complaint from Yaniv forced her to close shop, the outlet noted.

“ 'Some of my clients have been very significantly affected on a personal level. [Another client also] closed her business, she has been depressed, anxious, sleepless and that has gone on for a period of many many months,” said Jay Cameron, a lawyer from the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms representing Da Silva." . . .

Yaniv seems to be making this a vocation:
Jessica Yaniv, a transgender Canadian, has filed over a dozen gender-identity discrimination complaints against women in the Vancouver area who have refused to perform Brazilian bikini wax procedures on her male genitalia. 
In a tweet posted Thursday, Yaniv framed the shuttering of Da Silva’s business as a win for human rights.
“This is not about waxing,” Yaniv wrote. “This is about businesses and individuals using their religion and culture to refuse service to protected groups because — they — don’t agree with it or the person and use that to illegally discriminate contrary to the BC Human Rights Code and the CHRC.”

Update: Trans Activist Is Hosting A “Topless,” No Parents Allowed Swimming Event For Girls As Young As Twelve  . . . "This should be blasted from every mainstream media outlet from Canada to China, however, due to Canada’s overt obedience to social justice, naysaying a transgender person may not only land you a status as a public pariah, but it can land you in legal and financial trouble just like the ladies in the lawsuit above.
"In any normal world, this kind of proposition would immediately be dismissed and the person who proposed it possibly investigated. However, in Canada, this is forced down the public’s throat without much recourse. It’s so bad that Yaniv has posted in young women’s bathrooms without any punishments from authorities or even social media platforms whatsoever.
"Judging from Yaniv’s reported texting history, this man is clearly delusional and seems very interested in seeing young girls nude." . . .

*Meanwhile, Yaniv seems to be enjoying the spotlight:

“ 'At one point, the complainant compared the business owner to a neo-Nazi.' ”

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