Richard Jack Rail "In a tweet, President Trump famously said that if Ilhan Omar doesn't like America, she can go back where she came from. Followers immediately started chanting, "Send her back!" in the way they once chanted, "Lock her up!" about another vicious, ugly female lefty officeholder.
"The Left came unglued, and so did Mitt Romney. Mitt finds the new chant offensive, you see, and immediately blamed Donald Trump. Perhaps, curiously, Mitt found nothing offensive in anything Ilhan Omar had said, but then he probably also finds nothing objectionable in her character as he does in the Trump character.

"Most of all, he just keeps running his hate-Trump mouth. For one who talks and writes about character, Mitt hasn't shown much of it. For sure, he's shown no spirit of generosity, no manly sense of put-it-behind-us or graciousness toward a president who gave him a chance after all the mutual slashes and cuts during the 2016 primaries. Mitt seems unaware that his own actions have repeatedly revealed him to be petty and spiteful.
"America once thought Mitt somewhat godly, with his ties to the Mormon church and all. He isn't; he's just another backstabbing Republican. We really didn't need another John McCain."
Back in 2012: A jubilant Rick Santorum is leveraging victories in Colorado, Minnesota and Missouri to increase pressure on Mitt Romney, labeling him "a well-oiled weather vane" who often shifts his positions.
Back in 2012: A jubilant Rick Santorum is leveraging victories in Colorado, Minnesota and Missouri to increase pressure on Mitt Romney, labeling him "a well-oiled weather vane" who often shifts his positions.
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