Sunday, July 14, 2019

"So how and why did a twenty-eight-year-old former bartender who might have had to sit down at the second word in a spelling bee become a U.S. representative, anyway?"

How did Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez ever get elected?  "I don't want to be unkind, but almost every other week, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez offers up another are you serious? moment.  Her defeat of the incumbent, and key Democrat member, Joe Crowley, in the primary a year ago June was the big surprise, and she has not ceased to distinguish herself ever since as a complete absurdity.  With now a year's worth of brash inanities on record, Democrat U.S. rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez would have done so much better once elected just to have observed an old saying — it's better to remain quiet and thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt — than to persevere in spouting flapdoodles while never, ever being in doubt." . . .

Pelosi’s House of Pain  . . . "It was the dawn of a new era. House Democrats had returned to power after eight years. And these Democrats were remarkably diverse in age, ethnicity, race, and gender. Ideology, too: Ocasio-Cortez and Tlaib belong to the Democratic Socialists of America. “Our nation is at an historic moment,” Pelosi said in January. “Two months ago, the American people spoke, and demanded a new dawn.”
"Well, the sun has set. And fast. Whatever Pelosi’s plans might have been, they’ve been lost in a fog of anti-Semitism and left-wing radicalism. If Ilhan Omar isn’t causing Pelosi trouble, Ocasio-Cortez is. And vice versa. One day the speaker has to respond to the charge that Jewish money controls American foreign policy. The next she has to downplay flatulent cows. It’s enough to make one pity her. Almost."

The long knives are now out for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
. . . "Is there any single element anywhere in there where the racism-hurling Ocasio-Cortez acts as an asset? Can she help keep the majority when so many voters despise her? Can she help grow the majority now that voters and even Democrats have had a bellyful of her ilk? Can she help a Democrat win the presidency? She's a walking ad for the opposition and President Trump can't stop snickering.
"Meeks's warning is clearly a signal that the long knives are out and the money is amassing. Either Ocasio-Cortez shapes up or word is out now from the Democratic machine pols: She's going to be shipped out."

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