Saturday, August 10, 2019

Jeffrey Epstein dead, of purported ["Arkancide"]

Thomas Lifson  "A lot of very powerful Democrats are breathing sighs of relief. Dead men tell no tales, and the man whose tales could sink the reputations of and potentially incarcerate a slew of the most important political figures in the US (and a member of the British Royal Family) will be making no deals with prosecutors implicating bigger fish.
"The cynics who insisted that he would never live to bring down so many powerful people have been vindicated. Of course, we don’t know any details of his demise, so theoretically it is possible that he took his own life for purely personal psychological concerns.
. . . 
"The death comes less than a day after a court unsealed a trove of over 2000 documents implicating even more powerful figures. Incuding this, via Mike Cernovich:

"That’s certainly a coincidence, isn’t it? Over the decades there have been so many people in a position to harm Bill and Hillary Clinton that [have] come to an [untimely] end that the word "Arkancide" has been invented."

List of Clinton Associates Who Allegedly Died Mysteriously. Now add Epstein, and - as in "Schindler's List" - leave at least one blank space at the bottom. TD
. . . "And the most recent, Seth Rich, the DC staffer murdered and “robbed” (of nothing) on July 10. Wikileaks found Assange claims he had info on the DNC email scandal."
Snopes refutes this. Name by name.
HuffPo: Conspiracy Theorists Won’t Stop Accusing The Clintons Of Murder 
 The nonsensical theory goes that Rich had cooperated in the leak of DNC emails to Wikileaks, and that he was killed to stop him from cooperating with the FBI over plans to testify against ClintonAssange, whose site published the leaked emails, gave new life to this allegation last week when he implied that Rich had been one of his sources. 
Perhaps if Hillary had been elected, Kim Jung Il would have committed suicide by now. TD

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