Friday, August 9, 2019

Joe Biden and the soul of America

Joe Biden and the soul of America  A few excerpts:
. . . "Joe Biden claims to be in a battle for the soul of America. What we really need is an honest conversation about the soul of our federal government." . . .
. . . "Encouraging millions of people to invade a country by ignoring its immigration laws is dissolute." . . .
. . . "Cheering on and funding the murder of innocent unborn children is evil." . . .
. . . "Permitting a 29-year-old bartender to set public environmental policy is lunacy." . . .   . "Joe Biden has been in government service for forty years. His tenure of fraud, immorality, corruption, and greed has witnessed the destruction of any sense of civic duty or statesmanship our ruling class may once have held.
"Spare us your version of soul, Joe. "It’s as empty as the public checking account." . . .
Rob's Right

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