Friday, August 9, 2019

Don't go Ann Coulter over a Washington Post story

"President Trump knows what happened to George "Read My Lips" Bush. Grab some popcorn. Enjoy the show, especially the Ann Coultering. Let's see how this works out."
Don Surber

. . . "Remember in September 2017 how Ann Coulter swore off President Trump after she read reports of the president's meeting with Nancy and Chuck? She believed it when Nancy and Chuck implied the president had given up on the wall.
"Ann Coulter rowed off to irrelevance by giving up on Donald Trump. She resides now on the Island of Never Trump.
"I wrote at the time:

People who railed against President Trump for "caving" made two mistakes.
1. They believed Pelosi and Schumer.
2. They believed the media.
Me? I trusted President Trump. I read their statement and knew it was a lie, or to be kind, an embroidery of the truth. The reason tip-off were the words, "excluding the wall."
Of course the wall was excluded from their talks. It's off the table. President Trump has authorization for it. A 2006 law made it so. He is not going to relinquish that authority.
"So here we are today. Work on the wall continues. Slowly because Congress won't give him the money and he keeps having to go to court to defend his wall building." . . .

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