Friday, August 9, 2019

Joe Biden, the Trump hunter (Updated)

Michael P. Ramirez
The left desperately wants to brand Trump as racist, using whatever pretext they can. Charlottesville does not fit their narrative, and Trump is fighting back.
. . . "Yet the president also clarified: "I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white
nationalists, because they should be condemned totally – but you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists, okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly."
"Liberals like Biden seized on the regrettable "very fine people" remark, completely ignoring the president's clear condemnation of neo-Nazis and the white nationalists. Indeed, in his video announcing his candidacy for president, Biden accused Trump of having assigned "a moral equivalence between those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it."
. . . "Yet amid all this, Robert E. Lee proved himself an excellent tactician, and kept the Confederacy from losing the war as quickly as it should have. Even those who rightly abhor the Confederacy's cause have a right admiration for this man. After the war, Lee became a patriot for the newly re-United States of America. He opposed Confederate monuments, for the sake of healing the wounds of the past.
Toon added by TD
"Americans can remember and honor Robert E. Lee without honoring the Confederacy or slavery. Trump is right — many military leaders regard Lee as an impressive general, even though they disagree with the cause Lee fought for.
"Trump's response to Biden's attack was spot on. While the president arguably should have been stronger in condemning white nationalism and white supremacy, it is irresponsible for liberals to overlook the clear condemnation he did give and act as though Trump were defending racism. The president was not defending racism, but people who would rather not remove statues of Robert E. Lee — and people like Joe Biden know that.". . .

Oops: Biden Tells Crowd, “We Choose Truth Over Facts”  Video

Oops: Latest Biden blunder: ‘Poor kids’ are just as bright as ‘white kids’ . . . "Biden almost immediately went into damage control mode, quickly adding: “wealthy kids, black kids, Asian kids, no I really mean it, but think how we think about it.' ” . . .  Trump's re-election team pointed out that the comment shouldn't be considered a gaffe because it's a pattern.

Like Obama once said: “Nobody messes with Joe.”  . . . "According to John Solomon of The Hill, then-Vice President Biden strong armed Ukraine into firing its chief prosecutor who, at the time, was investigating a company that employed Biden’s son, Hunter. Biden himself confesses to the strong arming part. Indeed, in 2018 he boasted about it: . . ."

Yet Joe seems the most reasonable of this lot.

UPDATE: Biden Was Asked What He Did In 8 Years To Stand Up To China. Here’s His Response  "Former Vice President Joe Biden pointed to the Obama administration’s signing of the Paris climate accord in 2015 after a reporter asked him Thursday what he has done in the past several years to push back against China.
“ 'We did an awful lot with China. What we did with China, first of all, was we got them to join the Paris peace accord — the climate accord,” he told a reporter at a press gathering in Iowa, referring to former President Barack Obama’s role in forging the agreement. He continued to say the U.S. got China to change its direction in terms of some foreign policy issues.
"The deal, which was signed by about 200 countries, is a non-binding accord that does not compel through force China’s adherence.
"Biden is touting his credentials in Des Moines, Iowa, as he ramps up his 2020 presidential campaign. The visit has culminated in a several gaffs — he told one crowd Thursday he believes in “truth over facts” and most recently said“poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.” . . .

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