Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Impeachment Creates an Opening for Chappaqua

. . . I noticed that the New York Times has been leavening its editorials with pictures to be certain all its readers — even its non-readers — get the point of its editorials. President Trump was, of course pictured on the Times’ editorial page. He looked very angry.

The American Spectator  "How is the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry going to turn out? Well, we have already been through the impeachment inquiry, though it was called by another name. It was called the collusion inquiry, and it turned out as most conservatives said it was going to turn out. They said there was no evidence and Robert Mueller, who conducted the official inquiry, found no evidence. By the way, I insist that Robert Mueller is an honorable man. His service to the country was notable. In my opinion, he is a hero in this epic battle between President Donald Trump and the Democrats. Will there be another hero?
"The impeachment inquiry will proceed along the lines that the collusion inquiry followed. After each leak, each new accusation, even after each new twist and turn of the collusion proceedings, the Left celebrated and then quieted down. Why did they quiet down? Because the conservatives were right with their rejoinder: “There is no evidence.” There will be no evidence found for impeachment either. Why?
Well, I am one American, though I am sure that there are many more, who is looking for a fair-minded and objective arbiter to come to a sober conclusion about President Trump’s July call to the newly elected Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Had President Trump done anything wrong? Had he committed an impeachable act by mentioning former Vice President Joe Biden to President Zelensky?
. . .
"The Democrats have launched an impeachment inquiry for which there is no evidence. And what will the Democrats do after the government establishes there is no evidence for impeachment, just as there was no evidence of collusion? I have no idea, but you can be sure that the Democrats will be off on a new investigation of the president if they manage to maintain their edge in the House of Representatives. For this is their new innovation in constitutional government. The Democratic House of Representatives no longer legislates. That is passé. It now investigates."


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