"Still want to puke at Obama saying “At MY direction, US forces killed Usama bin Laden...” At his direction ? He only signed off on the work of others, and took credit for the entire operation." . . .Comment to Fox articleThe Hill "The parents of slain U.S. human rights activist Kayla Mueller said Sunday that their daughter might still be alive had former President Obama been as "decisive" as President Trump in ordering military action to recover her from ISIS before her death in 2015.

" 'I still say Kayla should be here, and if Obama had been as decisive as President Trump, maybe she would have been," Marsha Mueller told the newspaper.
" 'For me what matters most I'm hoping now we will finally get the answers we have been asking for all along," she added. "I think this administration truly might help us. I don’t think they are as closed about what happened."
"Her husband, Carl Mueller, added that it was "important" to him that Trump knew of his daughter's story and thanked the president for mentioning Kayla Mueller's name in his address Sunday morning.
" 'He knows her story. He's been briefed on it, and he knows, and that’s important to me," he said, according to the Republic. "I don’t think anything would have stopped him from getting this guy.' " . . .

"This has been going on so long I'm not sure about the last 48 hours for me -- I'm just searching for Kayla -- I was glad he blew himself up, that no one killed him on our side," she said.
"She explained while Kayla was held by ISIS, her captors would treat her worse than other prisoners because she was an American. Kayla was screamed at by British-born ISIS members known as "The Beatles" for all of what they believed the U.S. had done wrong, Marsha Mueller said." . . .
Video of ISIS Hostage Kayla Mueller 2016: Mueller's parents open up about their daughter, a U.S. aid worker who was captured by ISIS in 2013.
Jamie Lee Curtis deletes anti-Trump tweet saying ISIS leader 'suffered' . . . "Ms. Curtis, a critic of Mr. Trump, reacted to the president’s speech on Twitter, suggesting that al-Baghdadi was “blown up” and that he suffered like “all living things” do, including dogs.
“He may have died a coward @realDonaldTrump but ALL living things suffer when they are blown up,” the actress wrote. “Anyone who has experienced warfare, unlike yourself, would know that. War is brutal. Dogs are brave, bold, loyal, loving and healing.”
"The tweet racked up thousands of comments slamming Ms. Curtis for seemingly sympathizing with the slain terrorist. She deleted the tweet while this story was being written and replaced it with a post praising the military and her local law enforcement.
Some comments Curtis received:
“He may have died a coward @realDonaldTrump but ALL living things suffer when they are blown up,” the actress wrote. “Anyone who has experienced warfare, unlike yourself, would know that. War is brutal. Dogs are brave, bold, loyal, loving and healing.”
"The tweet racked up thousands of comments slamming Ms. Curtis for seemingly sympathizing with the slain terrorist. She deleted the tweet while this story was being written and replaced it with a post praising the military and her local law enforcement.
Some comments Curtis received:
I honestly could not care less what a celebrity thinks about anything. Why are they always being asked about politics? Since when does pretending to be someone else qualify you for anything to do with the real world? These people are as fake as the characters they play.
A person suffers when they are burned alive. beheaded, drowned, held down for a year and raped, what the hell is she thinking??? I am sorry he did not suffer for days. went to soon.
Ms. Curtis is a good example of the disease of liberalism and how it affects the mind .
She cares so much about human life!What is her stance about aborting innocent babies?
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