Friday, October 4, 2019

Open Borders Inc.: Who’s Funding the Wicked War on ICE?

Michelle Malkin

"All the gun control zealots out in full force last week have apparently gone to the beach. An alarming shooting took place at a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement offices in San Antonio on Tuesday. Local media reported that “multiple shots were fired on two floors targeting ICE officials.” But the Second Amendment saboteurs were AWOL.
"Hello? Hello? Anybody home? Federal government workers are under literal fire for enforcing our immigration laws and protecting America. But left-wing Moms Demand ignored the story. So did the anti-gun Brady agitators. And the usual stampede of camera-hogging Democrat presidential candidates lost their unquenchable thirst for the spotlight to blame “hate speech” for inducing violence.

"The vacuum is bipartisan. With few exceptions, Beltway Republicans have also lost their tongues when they should be relentlessly smashing the open-borders wall of silence about this escalating anti-ICE terror campaign. The San Antonio attack comes just one month after an Antifa extremistambushed an ICE detention facility in Tacoma, Wash., armed with a rifle and incendiary devices. The vengeful Antifa gunman had assaulted a police officer last year at the same location, received a wrist slap, then published a manifesto that declared: “I strongly encourage comrades and incoming comrades to arm themselves.”
"The Tacoma terrorist had also invoked the incendiary ICE-bashing rhetoric of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, echoing her diatribes on ICE centers as “concentration camps,” which in turn was borrowed from and amplified by rent-a-mobsters demonizing homeland security employees at a string of summer demonstrations against ICE facilities the past two years from lawless hellhole Portland to the D.C. swamp to the Big Apple criminal sanctuary to my adopted home state of Colorado, where the American flag was ripped from its post and replaced with the Mexican flag by still-unidentified vandals on the loose." . . .

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