Wednesday, December 25, 2019

On Christmas

Liberals at Yuletide  . . . "For these liberals, it's just not cool to say "Merry Christmas" because Christmas marks the birth of Christ, and if there's one thing liberals agree on, it's that Christianity must be driven out of the public arena.  Not Islam, not Buddhism, not Kwanzaa, but Christianity.  The faith of 245 million Americans must be suppressed because liberals judge it to be a repressive religion with a past (and present) of intolerance and domination.   
. . . "That is the same message as in Lennon's even better known song "Imagine," the unofficial anthem of liberals everywhere.  What Lennon seeks is a "perfect" world with no belief in God or afterlife, no love of country, no "possessions" — in other words, a world of atheism, universalism, and communism." . . .

The Golden Era of Christmas Songs

. . . "Providing the cheerful, winsome, moving background music of the holiday is these artists’ enduring gift to all of us. Merry Christmas."

The story of the Incarnation we celebrate on this and every Christmas may seem too good to be true, but how could it not be?   . . . "A timeless God enters time itself only to die by the hands of men whose hairs He can count and whose every thought He knows. He was born to die, Fulton Sheen said — the only such man in history.
“ 'He is the One through whom all things have been made and, on Christmas, Who has been made in the midst of all things. He is the Revealer of His Father and the Creator of His mother, the Son of God through His Father without a mother and the Son of Man through His mother without a father,” says Saint Augustine." . . .

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