Friday, December 27, 2019

Respected veteran journalist calls out his profession for betraying its principles going after Trump

With John Durham empaneling a grand jury, we may soon have some stubborn facts that even the most deranged of Trump haters cannot ignore, and like Captain Dreyfus, President Trump will be vindicated not just in the eyes of historians in the distant future, but in the eyes of the vast majority his countrymen.
Thomas Lifson  "Few are the establishment journalists willing to tell the truth about their profession, which largely has abandoned its commitment to objectivity in the cause of opposing resident Trump and, if possible, driving him from office. One brave soul with standing in the profession just did so. Dennis Byrne, who for decades was a columnist for the Chicago Tribune and Chicago Sun-Times and now is retired, has published a remarkable call for journalists to regain their sanity. The title of his column, published on his blog, The Barbershop, tells the story: “As a one-time journalist, I'm deeply ashamed of today's media.' ” . . .

"He continues:
I once was a journalist and proud of my profession.
No longer.
Today's media are habitually violating what once were the profession's governing principles: that the news must be reported objectively, fairly and without bias. As the report of Justice Department's Inspector General Michael Horowitz reveals, the media fed the nation a  steaming pile of BS.
For years, their unrelenting hated of President Donald Trump has been their guiding principle.
"What lends [credibility] is that Byrne is no fan of the 45th president:
Not that Trump doesn't deserve to be nailed. He's his own worst enemy; one might argue credibly that he has brought the BS storm on himself.
But that's not an excuse for the media's self-satisfying, twisted practices. Only a few called their profession to task.

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