Wednesday, January 1, 2020

If only Trump had been president when Benghazi was attacked:

How on earth can the liberals not see the comparison between Trump in this case and Obama-Hillary with Benghazi?

President Trump’s ‘Benghazi’ Has Ended Much Better Than Hillary Clinton’s Did
"As I wrote at the time, this placed Iran in the position of having to carry out some sort of retaliatory action, or they would lose face with their proxies, but, at the same time, they had to calibrate it so they would not set off an overt military confrontation with the US. That reaction is now underway. This is RedState’s coverage of the action so far
"The Washington Post reports today on the men leading the mob action directed against the US Embassy. This one stands out:
Also in attendance Tuesday was Hadi al-Amiri, a former transportation minister, who is considered Tehran’s man in Baghdad. Amiri heads the Badr Organization, which is one of the largest pro-Iran militias in Iraq and is part of the PMF. It was originally founded in the 1980s to fight for Iran against then-President Saddam Hussein as part of the Iran-Iraq war.  . . .
More that you did not see at Benghazi:
82d Airborne Division Reaction Force Is En Route to Support Baghdad Embassy

. . . "This is the statement issued by Defense Secretary Mark Esper:
“At the direction of the Commander in Chief, I have authorized the deployment of an infantry battalion from the Immediate Response Force (IRF) of the 82nd Airborne Division to the U.S. Central Command area of operations in response to recent events in Iraq.
Approximately 750 soldiers will deploy to the region immediately, and additional forces from the IRF are prepared to deploy over the next several days.
This deployment is an appropriate and precautionary action taken in response to increased threat levels against U.S. personnel and facilities, such as we witnessed in Baghdad today. The United States will protect our people and interests anywhere they are found around the world.”
And the liberal anti-Trumpers call this "Trump's Benghazi"!
Trump not just a "new sheriff in town; we finally have a sheriff, period.
. . . This is how things are done and it is a clear sign that professionals, not the Ben Rhodes story hour crew in the Obama National Security Council, are in charge. A major incident was prevented through prior planning, the US demonstrated that it will not hesitate to kill Iranian-hired militias when they kill Americans, the deployment of additional US forces to the US embassy was timely and the measured response told the militias that it was time to wind their street theater down, and we avoided the public affairs disasters of either a US embassy being sacked and Americans killed and taken hostage or US troops stacking up dead, unarmed demonstrators inside the embassy compound.The next time people make snide remarks about wanting adults to be in charge, you can remind them that they are.
Meanwhile Biden wants to challenge the President to a push-up competition. 

Iran Dominates in Iraq After ["Barack and I"] Handed the Country Over’  From the NY Times yet.

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