Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Obama and his Democrat friends love the happenings in Baghdad

Stilton's Place checks in: "In yet another effort by the "non-candidate" to get her face on the news, Hillary Clinton announced that she, along with daughter Chelsea Hubbell Clinton, was creating a new film production company which would "plan to focus on stories by and about women," as if the Hallmark Channel hadn't already beaten that estrogen-heavy genre to death." . . .
No matter how you look at it, the Left's ferocious bias against President Trump, one unleavened by a smidgen of objectivity, leaves them incapable of understanding events playing out in real time – and means that the media is incapable of intelligently or accurately reporting on the news of the day.   Andrea Widburg 
Andrea Widberg 1:  Baghdad shows the Left can't keep its stories straight  "President Trump continues to make Leftists decompensate in ways that can be worrisome but also are occasionally refreshing.  In the latter category, Leftists are so desperate to diminish President Trump's actions in the wake of the attack on the American embassy in Baghdad, they are abandoning their long-held narrative that President Obama's response to the Benghazi attack in 2012 was virtuous or, at least, unremarkable.
. . . In other words, while Benghazi became a watchword to conservatives for President Obama's malignant negligence, America's Democrat establishment, whether in politics or the media, held that it was just a case of bad things happening that were not President Obama's fault.  . . .
Andrea Widberg 2: Trump stands tall against Iranian attacks in Iraq

Let’s hope that Trump is able to avoid an embassy takeover or similar disaster. And if there is an embassy takeover, let’s hope that Trump handles it a whole lot better than Jimmy Carter did 40 years ago.

He was here at the White House with Prime Minister Maliki because he’s a transportation minister, yeah, transportation minister

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