Friday, February 14, 2020

Leftist thuggery: Political violence accelerates against Trump-supporters

Monica Showalter  "Last year, there was the brutal beating of the Manhattan art gallery–owner who was beaten black and blue for walking to Chinatown with his MAGA hat on. As with so many of these cases, the cops dismissed it as isolated and unimportant.
"The conservative press is paying attention, but the nets and mainstream media continue to ignore this shocking pattern of political violence.
"Ever see one of these violent incidents on an Axios news summary?  Ever seen an editorial of outrage in the Washington Post over the leftist cult of violence? Nobody's being asked to answer for this climate of violence that is clearly real and growing, amounting to a threat on our democracy. Democrats love to speak of "threats to democracy" in reference to President Trump, but rest assured, the real ones are in the leftist thugs attempting to turn the U.S. into a Venezuelan-style hellhole where violence rules the day." . . .
“This is a Flag of White Supremacy!” WATCH as Raging Leftists Attack College Republicans, Spit on Flag  
Video shows one of the thugs/thugettes spitting on a replica of the Betsy Ross flag. It also shows one of the attackers shoving a conservative student into a pile of rocks.

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