Sunday, March 1, 2020

Fool and his money: Good riddance, Tom Steyer

"Only the poor, after all, see their quality of life fall when they are told to pay for their own plastic bags, or foot exorbitant electricity bills, see their long commutes get costlier with gas hikes, and lose their straws, all so that guys like Steyer and his set can feel virtuous."
Monica Showalter   "A couple of years and $250 million later, Tom Steyer's presidential run has left him exactly where he started in the presidential race, at zero.
"The poor wretched monomaniac of greenie virtue now goes the way of Jay Inslee*, the qualified, but leftist, governor of Washington state who, like Steyer, was also global warming bore and washed out because of it. You'd think maybe Steyer would have noticed how unimportant this 'sky is falling' greenie cause was with voters by that point, but nope, Steyer continued to sell that snake oil to voters, thinking a barrage of television ads would make them catch on. He never had a clue.
"Now he has his clue, $250 million dollars later, no delegates, a pathetic third place finish in South Carolina, prompting him to finally cut his losses, and exit the race.
"Actually, he probably had some clues, given that he changed his tune to South Carolina's voters from global warming to 'racial justice,' something he claimed "not enough people" cared about but, trust him, he did, in what was an obvious pander for the black vote in South Carolina. Turns out another old white guy, Joe Biden, got there first, succeeding in that machine pol way of his, through endorsements from old-line black politicians such as Rep. James Clyburn -- gaffes, exaggerations, and all." . . .

Another fool that departed: *Jay Inslee: I'll Ask Megan Rapinoe To Be My Secretary of State Some called the US women's soccer team "ugly Americans" because of their abrasive behavior during the World Cup last year, including dragging the American flag on the ground.
. . . "Rapinoe urged Americans to treat each other with respect after a parade for the women’s national team in New York earlier this month.
Megan's love
“We have to be better,” she said. “We have to love more, hate less. We got to listen more and talk less. We got to know that this is everybody’s responsibility. Every single person here, every single person who’s not here, every single person who doesn’t want to be here. Every single person who agrees and doesn’t agree. It’s our responsibility to make this world a better place,” she said.
                            "It's a pleasure to represent the US  here in Saudi Arabia"

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