Friday, May 15, 2020

Greta, a Coronavirus panelist on CNN. What could go wrong?

" . . . why not have this odious little scold give her two cents' worth? . . . ' . . .   All of this puts us in mind of the science fiction novel "IQ 83," by Arthur Herzog. In it, a manipulated virus escapes a lab and spreads like wildfire. But it doesn't make you cough, or bleed from every orifice, or make your appendages fall off at inconvenient times. It makes you stupid, permanently peeling away IQ points day by day until everyone will be too dumb to take care of themselves, let alone find a cure for the illness
"Thanks to CNN (and many others), we are increasingly of the opinion that such a virus may not be as fictional as we once hoped."   Stilton Jarlsberg
NY Post  "An upcoming CNN town hall on the coronavirus pandemic will feature 17-year-old Greta Thunberg alongside a panel of medical experts.
The program, “Coronavirus Facts and Fears,” also includes CNN broadcaster Sanjay Gupta, 50, former Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, 71, and former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director Richard Besser, 60. CNN anchor Anderson Cooper, 52, will host alongside Gupta.
However, social media watchdogs are foaming at the mouth over the choice to place a teen climate activist on a panel with public health experts.
“What place does Greta Thunberg have in this town hall?” asks Twitter rabble-rouser Yashar Ali to his 618,000 followers. His rhetorical question was liked by more than 12,000 since this morning.
"Her name is a top trending term on Twitter, with some 30,000 mentions on the platform in just a few hours.
"In a follow-up tweet, Ali clarified his rhetorical tweet with an explanation: “I understand that but this is a panel of top health experts and administrators. A climate activist would be better suited on a different panel. She’s not a climate scientist. It’s a matter of placement.' ” . . .

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