Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Chronicles of Biden

Kamala Harris Now Being Touted as Top Choice for Biden VP
"There has been a ton of speculation about who Joe Biden will choose as a running mate. "He narrowed it down a bit during the last Democratic debate by plainly stating that he would choose a woman.
"Since then, most people agreed that the short list included four people.
"Biden would likely choose Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), failed 2018 Georgia governor candidate Stacey Abrams, or Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA).
"At this point, it’s looking more and more like Kamala Harris.
"Christopher Cadelago and Natasha Korecki write at Politico:" . .

MSNBC Founder Says Biden 'Not Ready for a Prime-Time Election Season' Against Trump 
. . . "If Rogers and other Democrats are waiting for Biden to “articulate clearly and crispy,” they should throw in the towel now. His malapropisms aren’t going to improve as the election goes along nor will his deteriorating mental state.
"In the end, Biden will beat himself with little help from Trump."
Wow: Joe Biden’s Latest Answer on Whether to Believe Him or Tara Reade Is a Garbled, Incoherent Mess  "Biden’s answer literally made no sense:" . . .

Clinton Crony Turned ‘Serious Journalist’ Lets Joe Biden Call Tara Reade A Liar On National Television  . . . "Remember, this “journalist” called Bill Clinton’s predatory behavior a bunch of “bimbo eruptions”… and helped quash them.
"How do we take this guy as a serious news anchor?" . . .
"An actual journalist would ask:
If he’s calling Tara Reade a liar
Why Joe doesn’t “believe ALL women” when they come forward
What makes a woman’s accusation “credible”
Why he flip-flopped on the standard that all women have an “essence of truth” when they make an accusation of sexual assault
If he should be held to the ridiculous Title IX standard that the Obama administration imposed on colleges
Why he won’t release all of his political records
What he’s hiding in his political records

Joe Biden’s Awful No Good Very Bad Week at Legal Insurrection
"Joe Biden is having a very rough time with his presidential campaign.

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