How can anyone with a sense of honor want Democrats to rule over us?
It’s fascinating, in an ugly way, to watch Democrats instantly abandon principles they embraced with such fervor only eighteen months ago. It’s to be hoped that America’s independent voters are not impressed with this unprincipled turnaround.
The Democrats’ double-standards continue regarding Joe Biden . . . "And of course, the studied disinterest in Biden’s conduct is in even greater contrast to the vile, slanderous kangaroo court Democrats created around Brett Kavanaugh, a man with a deserved choir boy’s reputation. In 2018, Christine Blasey Ford, a passionate pro-abortion advocate, came forward with a remarkably changeable and vague story about a person who lived near her and grew up to be a potential conservative Supreme Court justice. Her unprovable accusations, which her own witnesses rejected, sparked a cottage industry of hashtags, especially #BelieveAllWomen.
"Naive people might have assumed that this support for women who accused powerful men of sexual abuse would be the new standard. After all, every leftist, progressive, and Democrat preached and repeated it endlessly. It turns out, though, that the old saying is true: If leftists didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have any standards at all.
"Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was one of Ford’s stalwart defenders. That’s not the case when it comes to Tara Reade, who has more detailed memories about being assaulted by a man she knew well and one, moreover, with a reputation for dirty doings in the bowels of the Senate building. Pelosi’s new position isn’t #BelieveAllWomen; it’s #BelieveJoeBiden. She’s done with the subject and doesn’t want to hear any more about it:" . . .
. . . "Pelosi may pretend to believe Biden, but Martin Tolchin, who spent 40 years as a New York Times journalist before founding both The Hill and Politico, has a different approach. In response to the Times’s anguished editorial saying that, to keep the FBI away from Biden, the DNC should investigate Reade’s claims, Tolchin wrote a candid letter. In it, he asserts that Biden should not be investigated lest he is found guilty as charged, derailing the Democrats’ last, best hope to defeat Trump:" . . .
Frame it and hang it on a wall.
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