Thursday, May 14, 2020

What happened to professional journalism?
VIDEO: CNN Spent Nearly Two Years Lapping Up Schiff’s Collusion Lies  "For nearly two years, CNN eagerly offered itself up as a platform for House Democrat Adam Schiff and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper to claim there was “significant evidence” of collusion between the 2016 Trump campaign and Russia. But after the May 7 release of transcripts in which numerous top-level Obama officials admitted they’d seen no evidence of collusion, CNN should be embarrassed by their cozy relationship with Schiff and others who strung the liberal cable network along for 22 months." . . .

Since before 2017: CNN Lies, Media Corruption, And The Future of Journalism and News  . . . "Finally, we have James O’Keefe and Project Veritas with their American Pravda series exposing the corrupt media and how they lie. Like I said, it’s not much of a surprise they do things for ratings but pushing a fake narrative due to ratings, that’s completely different. That is instructing your entire network to stop reporting on other issues to cover another topic with no substance. What happens when there’s no substance? You have to make it up. I would encourage everyone to watch the first video here and the second here.
"This graph illustrates why this road we’re going down is troubling." . . .

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