Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Antifa promotes civil war and now they are coming for our homes and families

The rules change in the suburbs. You’re not robbing a private store and destroying public property anymore. Now you’re in home territory. The house is full of valuable possessions and luxuries, yes, but more than that, this location has family members in it. Wives, children, and even beloved pets.
A Warning to Rioters and Antifa Members Threatening to Come to the Suburbs

"This isn’t an internet tough guy post. This isn’t me flexing about my love of the 2nd Amendment and practice thereof. This isn’t about how well I can shoot, or what kind of guns I own.
"This is a legitimate warning about what will happen.
"Riots are popping up in cities over the murder of George Floyd, completely overshadowing the legitimate protests containing peaceful people making a valid point. Some of these rioters, namely those belonging to the group “Antifa,” have mentioned that they’re going to leave the cities and move their destruction and violence into the suburbs." . . .

A terrorist group making terrorist threats. using social media to spread threats, call for violence

Americans Were Threatened and the Inevitable Happened

. . . "Case in point, America has been faced with a number of threats. The COVID-19 pandemic and now the riots resulting from George Floyd’s murder have escalated the danger level up thanks to fears of looters, violence, and more. So, in response, Americans did what they’ve always done; purchase a gun.
According to the Washington Times, it hasn’t even been a small jump, and suppliers are having a hard time keeping up with demand:

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