Friday, June 5, 2020

"Mayor DeBlasio please resign", title of new Facebook site

DeBlasio, you have been called. You must not be allowed to prospect for votes at the cost of lives. You must go. We scorn and despise you.

De Blasio in his formative years
RedState  "It’s true, everyone of every stripe hates de Blasio. 
"Some wags joked the thousands of protesters were just there to pick up Chiara de Blasio, who had been arrested during a protest a couple of nights ago.
"Folks on the left are angry about him imposing a curfew, folks on the right and in the center see the city dissolving into chaos, and de Blasio doing nothing. He has refused to call in the National Guard which has. infuriated people."  . . .
"Everyone is angry that he outlawed legitimate protest yet is letting rioters run loose.
"Gov. Andrew Cuomo has even postulated trying to remove him as mayor." . . .

Still a sixties guy
Calls for de Blasio to resign trend on Twitter after defense of NYPD
“Almost too stunned for words at Mayor de Blasio addressing a city in deep pain at 11:30 at night by ruthlessly defending NYPD at every turn,” tweeted Helena Brosnan, a woman who said she was from New York.” Craven, soulless politician who is the worst of white electeds who claim to be ‘progressive’ for gain. I’m irate. He should resign.”
If he does or if he doesn't: Mayor de Blasio, Open Your Eyes. The Police Are Out of Control.

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