Friday, July 17, 2020

A Silent Majority Isn’t Good Enough In The Culture War

The Federalist
"Whether the Silent Majority is enough to swing an election, it’s certainly no longer enough to swing the culture. If such a group exists, it needs to speak up."

Malleable Young skulls full of mush.
. . . "The “Silent Majority” comes up a lot these days, often in the context of a warning to Democrats about an electrified coalition of under-the-radar voters motivated to support President Trump by the left’s culture war. It’s true Democrats aren’t helped politically by their proximity to radical leftism, although I’m not sure I buy the argument it’ll cost them the Oval Office in 2020.
"Whether the Silent Majority is enough to swing an election, it’s certainly no longer enough to swing the culture. If such a group exists, it needs to speak up.
"I say that with deep empathy for everyone fearful of losing a job, friend, or relative if they push back, and for everyone with little interest in getting involved at all. That, of course, is the biggest challenge. There is a reason people are silent, and it’s a good one.
Dear Majority: your silence is allowing evil to rule over us!
"If, however, you happen to work at Boeing and a former Navy pilot is being forced to resign for a 1987 op-ed against women fighting in combat, consider that pushing back might not be as risky as you think. If you work in the public relations department, consider that weathering the social media storm might not be as costly as you think.
"If you work at the Smithsonian—or any other organization—and a deeply racist guide to whiteness is being circulated, consider that it might be worth voicing your discomfort with a document that ascribes concepts like “self-reliance” to one racial group. Consider that a smart and well-intentioned rebuttal might find more support than you realize. Consider that it might be galvanizing.
"If you work at or attend Penn State and the university is pressured to delete a tweet that welcomes conservative students, consider that a few calm defenses of the post might be enough to save it. Consider that saving it might send a message that reflexive appeasement is not necessary when angry leftists swarm on social media with unreasonable demands." . . .  Full article...    Visit the Tunnel Wall Blog

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