Monday, August 31, 2020

Blaming the violence on Trump is a bridge too far

. . . "Indeed, the entire Democratic Party apparatus, now that it has strategically decided it better shift gears and publicly oppose the violence, is poised to blame the anarchy on Trump, not just because it is happening during his presidency but also because Democrats claim he is an evil racist who engenders an atmosphere of racism in the country."

David Limbaugh  "Democrats can try but won’t succeed at distancing themselves from the violence they have enabled on American streets. People surely know where the Democrats have stood on this, and that they’re now backpedaling only because of polling data.
     "Former South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg outright blamed this anarchy on President Donald Trump. “The simple reality is that we are seeing more and more chaos and violence under the Trump presidency, and there’s no reason to expect that it would get any different or better if he were reelected,” said Buttigieg. “This is very much characteristic of living in Donald Trump’s America, and I think we’re going to see more and more of it as long as he’s in charge.”
     "To blame this violence on Trump because he’s in office is like blaming him for the border wall not being erected fast enough. It’s like blaming him for the economic slowdown caused by the coronavirus when, in fact, he has persistently tried, over strenuous Democratic obstruction, to sensibly and safely reopen our economy. It would be like blaming him for abortions because they have persisted during his first term despite his valiant efforts for the innocent unborn.
     "It is inconceivable that Buttigieg is unaware Democratic mayors and governors have all but encouraged this mayhem. Many have consistently rejected Trump’s offer of federal law enforcement assistance to quell the riots. Many have cavalierly misrepresented the violence as peaceful protests. Democratic CNN has called the Kenosha riots “fiery but mostly peaceful,” and the Democratic Virginia Senate just passed a bill allowing assaults on police officers to be mere misdemeanors, for crying out loud.
     "If Joe Biden or any other Democrat at the Democratic National Convention denounced the violence, I sincerely missed it.
     "Then, something happened. No, Democrats didn’t all of a sudden become outraged at the criminal assaults and property destruction against people whose only sin was to own businesses in a convenient location for Marxist arsonists and opportunistic looters.
     "Democrats apparently discovered through internal polling and focus groups that most Americans are appalled by this leftist orchestrated breakdown of law and order, and that they actually care about safe streets. Shocker.
     "CNN’s Don Lemon seems to have changed his mind on the riots — but not because he has had a law and order epiphany. “The rioting has to stop,” Lemon said. “It’s showing up in the polling. It’s showing up in focus groups. … it is the only thing right now that is sticking.' ” . .

Biden To Address Racial Tensions On Monday
Maybe? Pradheep Shanker believes the strategy will backfire on Biden because he’s not showing leadership and won’t provide specifics on how he’d stop the violence. It’s an understandable belief, however, Biden finds himself in a bit of a pickle when it comes to the issue of policing because he’s not in the #defundthepolice camp.
 CNN: Biden condemns violence in Portland and calls on Trump to do the same

Democrats, Media Desperately Try to Pin Antifa/BLM Riots on Trump
Kenosha, WI appears to be the breaking point for voters.  This coupled with the Republican National Convention’s great success have Democrat voters taking a look at the mayhem caused by anti-Trump rioters and criminals and deciding that it’s in their and the country’s best interest to vote for President Trump in November.
Twitter post:
Peter J. Hasson@peterjhassonI would like to hear from the Biden campaign whether their staffers regret
paying into a fund that bails out rioters, and whether Kamala Harris
regrets encouraging her followers to donate to that fund as well

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