Sunday, August 30, 2020

Is George Soros Funding The Riots Taking Place In America?

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Clover Chronicle  "The following information was taken from a lengthy online forum post (unknown date & time). The author describes a movement called ‘Democracy Spring’ which is supposedly a domestic version of a colour revolution. (Note: Some of the text has been altered for spelling, grammar and context to reflect current events).
As many of you have suspected, the current push for a “Democracy Spring” is funded directly by George Soros [1] in an extreme act of escalation against Trump and US democracy. The name sounds suspiciously close to “Arab Spring,” but let’s put that one to the side for a moment.
What the hell is a “Democracy Spring?” Well, their stated objective is to “take out dark money from the political process.” Surely that’s agreeable isn’t it? Isn’t that what Trump is doing by self-funding? Looks deceive of course. They themselves are funded by George Soros’ “dark money.” How can they possibly stand against it? Besides, when nominees are down to two viable people per party, why is this necessary at all? The answer is it isn’t necessary and they don’t really believe in what they demand, but by mirroring Trump, they achieve invulnerability against any attacks by Trump, or any other clever maneuver.
This is about two simple scenarios involving so-called “protests”:
  1. Trump condemns the group for trying to disrupt US democracy.
  2. Trump hails them for taking up such a worthy cause.
If Trump commits to action 1, the group will point to its fake objective and declare Trump the real target of it; his opposition proving that he is scared of whatever vague proposition they are putting forward. Furthermore, it would be the best case scenario because it would put them against Trump directly which is important for later. If Trump commits to action 2, he loses his main base for supporting what is obviously a leftist “protest” aimed to disrupt the democratic process, however flawed it is. In any case, they will still declare him the target of their protest and reject his praise, damaging his credibility.
In most likelihood, he will choose to ignore it and attack George Soros indirectly. But unfortunately, that’s not going to be enough because that’s not the worst case scenario. George Soros is a specialist in “colour revolutions” [2] and so it is instructive to briefly explain how they work in order to relate it to the most likely strategy that is going to be played out against Trump." . . .  Read more...

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