Sunday, August 9, 2020

Tlaib wins Michigan Democratic primary, declares jihad Squad ‘here to stay, and it’s only getting bigger’

By the way: Muslim Convert Convicted in Plot to BEHEAD Pamela Geller Asks for “Compassionate Release”
Geller Report  "Rep. Rashida Tlaib declared victory Wednesday morning in her primary election in Detroit and proclaimed her win shows the progressive Squad is coming back to Congress stronger and bigger.
"Tlaib, one of four members of the freshman Squad, beat Detroit City Council President Brenda Jones in the 13th District primary, The Associated Press called Wednesday morning.
“ 'Let it be known that in the 13th District, just like in communities across our country, we are done with establishment politics that put corporations first,” Tlaib said in a victory statement. “If I was considered the most vulnerable member of the Squad, I think it’s safe to say the Squad is here to stay, and it’s only getting bigger.”
"Tlaib said her win was an endorsement for progressive policies, such as “Medicare-for-All” and a Green New Deal.


The voters of the 13th district in Michigan have turned out to give Rashida Tlaib another term in congress - and why not?She has, after all, made good on the promises she made to acquire office in the first place: to insult American institutions, and to attack the Jews.She distinguished herself early on. Just hours after she was sworn in she announced, referring to the president, "'Baby, they don't,' because we're gonna go in there and we're going to impeach the motherf****r."Of course, it's worth noting that Tlaib's victories take place in an intractably poor, minority district that last elected a Republican to congress in 1947.But the effort to address poverty in the thirteenth is not the point at all. Instead, Rashida Tlaib serves as an icon of "intersectionality" - a Democratic Socialist, and a Palestinian woman of color, who states that "her Allah is a woman."So, we are reminded again of the great George Orwell: “A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves and traitors are not victims... but accomplices”

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