Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Picture a Biden State of the Union address

Why do You Support Joe Biden?   . . . "For the purpose of understanding the headspace of liberals, what follows are a series of questions that will offer these people an opportunity to explore their vote. The question is followed by a short description that places them in context."
  • Where and how exactly did Trump mess up and how would Biden have handled the coronavirus pandemic differently?
  • How exactly can Trump be criticized for the economic slowdown at the same time Biden is being promoted for proposing more of it?
  • How do you anticipate Joe Biden responding to the deadly and damaging riots in American streets effectively when he’s been here before and it is known that his anti-police rhetoric only encourages more entitled lawlessness to build?
  • How do you reconcile the #MeToo movement’s aggressive push against prominent Republicans to suddenly turning a blind eye to the recorded interactions by Biden towards, not only women, but young girls? . . .

Another Trump hoax and Biden's mental decline  . . . "It’s nothing new to American Thinker readers that Joe Biden is not the man he was just a few years ago. We’ve shared multiple videos showing him struggling to read his notes, giving confused answers, showing signs of emotional incontinence (that is, being unable to control his temper), losing his grip on core facts, and otherwise giving every indication that he is, sadly, struggling with some form of senile dementia. And when Biden did recently get his act together, he had a funny little bruise on his hand that’s remarkably consistent with getting an IV in a location that’s customarily used to administer drugs.

"When Biden’s not seemingly hopped up on something, he’s barely there at all. The following footage is so awful that, when I shared it with a friend, my friend’s response was, “That’s it. He’s done for.' ” . . .

So now Democrats attempt to convince us of Trump's supposed "decline", along with Nancy's "morbidly obese" claim. Our choice: a brash Trump or a morally corrupt Democrat. TD

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