Commentator Candace Owens tweeted: “Unbelievable. Every person in America knows these riots are being orchestrated by black lives matter and Antifa. Chris Wallace asks the President to condemn white supremacists but did not think to ask Joe Biden to condemn Antifa or BLM.”
The Bearded Patriot "Fox News host Chris Wallace, a registered Democrat, faced intense backlash on Tuesday night for what was widely deemed as bias in the debate in the favor of Democrat Joe Biden and against Republican President Donald Trump.
"One of the issues that Wallace was called out for the most was how he appeared to let Biden interrupt Trump but would jump in to interrupt Trump when Trump would talk over Biden.
"Fox News host Brian Kilmeade even noted the discrepancy and called it out on social media, writing: “Why is @JoeBiden allowed to interrupt? @realDonaldTrump is not.' ” . . .
. . . Ben Shapiro wrote on Twitter: “Chris Wallace, over the course of the night, has moved from moderator to debater.”
. . . Conservative commentator Ann Coulter wrote: “Every time Trump is nailing Biden, Chris Wallace interrupts. ‘That’s the next topic!’”
Political strategist Chris Barron wrote on Twitter: “Biden/Wallace won the debate. Don’t try to spin me with some bs. Fox News just handed the most important debate in history to the left. And they did it on purpose. If you have one set of rules you enforce it on all participants. Chris Wallace failed miserably.” . . .
I have seen Wallace at his best and admired his work though harder at times on conservatives I felt. One cannot see how any moderator could have done better under the conditions caused by the debaters, and Donald Trump could have elevated the decorum much more. Perversely, it would have been fun to watch CNN's Lemon or Cuomo in that spot instead of Wallace. The Tunnel Dweller
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