Saturday, September 5, 2020

The Democrats’ Laughable ‘President Chaos’ Strategy

The country knows that this completely unacceptable state of violence has been facilitated, denied, apologized for, and to some extent encouraged by elements of the new and radicalized Democratic coalition. CB

Conrad Black  "It is humorous and even gratifying to see the Democrats—including the legion of their talking television plants—dragging themselves to the recognition that President Trump might actually be reelected. The powerful fragmentation grenade detonated at the Republican National Convention provoked the Democratic television commandos to brief outbursts of alarmist sincerity. 
     "CNN’s Don Lemon, one of the dumbest and bitchiest Trump-haters, blurted out that as the polls were moving unfavorably, it might be wise for Democratic candidate Joe Biden to criticize mob violence, something he and his partisans had conspicuously failed to do at their convention the week before. He did this within a day of his colleague Brian Stelter, who will enter the Guinness Book of World Records for the frequency of his utterance in reference to President Trump in the last three years, “The walls are closing in,” righteously wagging his glabrous head at the viewers as he told them that the urban guerrilla violence sweeping the country really was “peaceful protest.” 
     "The same assurance was given by correspondents of CNN and the other anti-Trump networks reporting from riot-torn cities, even as largely minority-owned businesses torched by the “peaceful protesters” belched flame and smoke behind them.  
     "Having studiously pretended throughout the summer—as unusually violent rioting erupted in city after city ultimately injuring 700 policemen, killing over 30 people, and inflicting over a billion dollars in damage—that it was just a continuing vigorous protest over the death of George Floyd, the official and media Democrats have been rudely awakened by their own allies and protégés. 
"It’s All Trump’s Fault! 
     "Rather than serve the convenience of the Democratic Party, which for the purposes of the anti-white racists and other extremists who lead the riots is just a vast assemblage of useful idiots whose naiveté and cowardice they can exploit to assault American society, Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa wish to expose the weakness and moral bankruptcy of those who appease them as much as they wish to assault Trump’s America." . . . More

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