Wednesday, December 9, 2020

AOC Responds To Goya Foods Revealing She Caused Sales Boom After ‘Boycott’: A ‘Made Up’ Fantasy

Ryan Saavedra

"Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) responded to Goya Foods President and CEO Bob Unanue naming her “Employee of the Month” following a boom in sales over the summer after Ocasio-Cortez suggested a boycott of Goya Foods.
“ 'I don’t know if you know about this, but when she boycotted us, our sales actually increased 1,000%,” Unanue said this week. “So we gave her an honorary — we never were able to hand it to her but she got Employee of the Month for bringing attention to GOYA and our adobo. Actually our sales of adobo did very well after she said ‘Make your own Adobo.’”
"Ocasio-Cortez responded to the news by reacting to a tweet from a left-wing activist who had tweeted out a screenshot of a news segment on Fox News’ “Fox & Friends” that covered the story. The chyron on the screenshot the activist tweeted out stated: “GOYA CEO: AOC’S BOYCOTT CAUSED OUR SALES TO SURGE.”
“ 'Serious question: did AOC *actually* lead a boycott of goya foods?” the activist tweeted. “Or did she just make a twitter joke about adobo recipes, and people in the media called that a boycott?”
"AOC responded by writing, “No, I just googled how to make my own adobo.' ” . . .

Would that statement not imply a boycott?

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