Sunday, December 6, 2020

Making America abnormal

Don Surber

"Graphic via Glenn Reynolds. Insanity via the Democrat Party.

"Ellen Page, an actress with girl-next-door looks, has decided she's a boy next door named Elliot. She is no more a male than the public health director of Pennsylvania is a woman. They suffer a mental disorder which in 21st century America makes you a hero. 

"Not too long ago Bruce Jenner abandoned his wife and two daughters and won all kind of praise and even an Espy award from ESPN because he claimed he switched sexes. You can't. You can get surgery and take pills, but the DNA never changes.

"I don't wish Jenner, Page, or any of the others ill. 

"I simply refuse to go along with the charade. The emperor wears no clothes, Ellen Page is a woman, and Bruce Jenner is a man.

"Democrats have spent most of my lifetime defining deviancy down. Society is worse for it. 60 years ago, the law banned distributing pornography through the mail. Now, any child can click on sex shows on the Internet that would give Caligula pause.

"The destruction of America is at an ever-increasing pace as Democrats make a functioning society dysfunctional. If the Supreme Court does not reverse the farcical presidential election, Xiden (as a reader calls him) will become the Pervert-in-Chief. The hair-sniffing and fondling of little girls in public make me cringe because we all know he is far worse in private.

"Perhaps he is the fitting figurehead of a nation in decline.

"How weird are we now?

"In 1998, all of Hollywood exalted Ellen DeGeneres as a heroine worthy of Mount Olympus because she came out as a lesbian. But two decades later, she wasn't quite quick enough on the uptake on the transgendering fad. That got her in dutch with the PC police.

"JK Rowling and John Cleese also have run afoul of the tranny crowd. To their horror, they have discovered that the T in LGBQT is just as petty, mean, and insufferable as they are.

"Oh, I get that the 1950s were not perfect. No age is. But is replacing the KKK with the BLM really necessary? What good purpose does racism against white people serve? Bull Connor died 47 years ago. No one under 100 was in charge in the 1960s. Move on, as they say." . . . .

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