Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Chuck Todd melts down on air when his bias is challenged, then makes it worse

Thomas Lifson  . . . "Todd must have been expecting another Republican patsy when he framed the interview (complete video embedded below) as about “the Republican effort to delegitimize Joe Biden’s election,” claiming “there was no widespread fraud,” there is “no chance of overturning the election,” and “it looks like it is being done to curry favor with President Trump.”

But Senator Johnson didn’t take the bait and calmy began with his extremely important work on Covid therapies, the ability of physicians to effectively treat early-stage cases with widely available, safe, cheap medications. (This December 8, 2020 hearing chaired by Johnson is very eye-opening, and the fact the medical establishment is largely ignoring if not suppressing these therapies is the greatest public health scandal since the Tuskegee studies.) The senator then moved on to point to facts and the fireworks began. Nicholas Fondacaro of Newsbusters describes the melee:" . . . 

. . . "Propaganda media rose to defend Todd, but Ric Grenell provoked Todd into de facto admitting defeat by blocking him (hat tip: Red State)" . . .
Chuck’s shaking in his chair and his voice is cracking. He doesn’t like being confronted with the truth. Wow, Ron Johnson really got to Chuck Todd.
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Nicholas Fondacaro
On @MeetThePress, political director @ChuckTodd flipped out after @SenRonJohnson called out his and media's liberal bias newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/nicho

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