Thursday, February 4, 2021

The Unspeakable Corruption of Joe Biden


Yes, Joe Biden is compromised by his family's shady foreign dealings

Not to be outdone, Joe Biden’s brother James and sister-in-law Sara cashed in as well, creating an international financial web that Politico a full year ago dubbed “Biden Inc.” Finally, and rather sickeningly, the new report shows multiple payments from Hunter to Russian and Eastern European women suspected of links to an “Eastern European prostitution or human trafficking ring.”

The Unspeakable Corruption of Joe Biden   "The latest stories detailing the financial corruption of Joe Biden come as no shock to anyone with open eyes. But there is one story of the deepest kind of corruption that until today no one has told, or perhaps even realized — the kind of moral corruption that, once acknowledged, may haunt you.

"The latest revelation of Biden’s financial corruption comes from Hunter Biden’s former “business associate,” Tony Bobulinski.

"Last night, Bobulinski released a statement claiming that “the former vice president was a willing and eager participant in a family scheme to make millions of dollars by partnering with a shady Chinese Communist firm,” according to NY Post columnist Michael Goodwin and other news outlets who haven’t spent the last week studiously avoiding perhaps the biggest story of financial corruption in American presidential election history.

"Previously I’ve written that Joe Biden is a villain straight out of an Ayn Rand novel: A scheming mediocrity with no talent other than for gaming a crooked system.

"Despite the millions involved, and from sources as dubious as Communist China and Eastern European kleptocrats, a man’s willingness to grab some easy money when the grabbing is good… isn’t atypical.


"But as far as I’m concerned, it’s the risks that Biden puts his own son through that reveal the true rot at the center of his character." . . .

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