Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Will a Hard-Left Turn Lead to Pushback?

Our next generations are being immersed in this culture of hard-left doctrines and philosophies; I see no signs they are being inoculated against all this by media or academia. TD

 Victor Davis Hanson

Biden is advancing radical policies that most Americans do not support.

"The corruption of the Renaissance Church prompted the Reformation, which in turn sparked a Counter-Reformation of reformist, and more zealous, Catholics.

"The cultural excesses and economic recklessness of the Roaring ’20s were followed by the bleak, dour, and impoverished years of the Great Depression.

"The 1960s counterculture led to Richard Nixon’s landslide victory in 1972, as “carefree hippies” turned into careerist “yuppies.”

"So social, cultural, economic, and political extremism prompt reactions — and sometimes counter-reactions." . . .

"The Bush-Clinton-Obama continuum of 24 years cemented the bipartisan fusion administrative state. Trump and his “Make America Great Again” agenda were its pushback.

"The counter-reaction to the populism of the Trump reset — or Trump himself — is as of yet unsure.

"Joe Biden’s tenure may mark a return to business as usual of the Bush-Clinton years. Or, more likely, it will accelerate the current hard-left trajectory." . . .

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