Wednesday, March 10, 2021

"Biden is a man in decline; America is a nation in decline"

Intellectual Conservative

. . . "America has been teetering on the edge of the precipice for decades. But the combination of the China virus, the race riots, and the economic shutdowns—all perfectly planned and executed by the Communist China-American Left international conspiracy—finally pushed America over that edge. The country is now totally in freefall and upside down. Bad is good, and good is bad. Wrong is right, and right is wrong.

"So, congratulations America! You are about to get what you want and what you fully deserve—the destruction of all the freedoms and liberties that used to make America a special place. America will soon be just another socialist/communist/fascist wasteland. Reagan said that freedom is always just one generation away from extinction. We are that generation." . . .

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