Thursday, April 29, 2021

'Worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War!' Can Biden really be this dumb?

Patricia McCarthy

That one line tells us everything we need to know about who Biden and the cabal running him are; they absolutely believe that the American people are not only simple-minded but virtual toddlers who will believe anything they say.

"Whoa!  Joe Biden thinks that the relatively mild, wholly unarmed breach of the Capitol was the "worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War!"  How historically ignorant are his speechwriters?  They seem to have forgotten about the assassination of Lincoln, WWI, Pearl Harbor and WWII, the Kennedy assassination, 9/11!  Did they really think that line would resonate with anyone with a modicum of historical knowledge?

"While the entire speech was banal, this was the most egregious spoken line.  That an American president would utter such an unspeakable lie is the measure of this man.  He is a fool.  Surely, he knows better, but he and his handlers believe that most Americans are so dumb, so uninformed, that they will accept such a lie as true." . . .

. . . "Sadly, the fact that the timorous Republicans voted to confirm nearly every one of Biden's radical, racist Cabinet appointees does not bode well for America's survival.  They've put us at the mercy of an almost vicious anti-American left." . . .

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